My Cases

Practitioners | Mobile

Managing your connections to clients on OurFamilyWizard is even easier with the OurFamilyWizard Family Law Practitioner app for iOS devices. Professional access is an easy way for parents and professionals to work together to find solutions for complex family law matters. When clients use OurFamilyWizard to contain and organize their communication, professional access allows family law practitioners to use one account to review their activity, compile authenticated records, and more. Use the following walkthroughs to learn how to manage client access through the OurFamilyWizard Family Law Practitioner app.

Creating accounts for clients

Practitioners can ease the sign-up process for families by creating their accounts for them through the OurFamilyWizard Family Law Practitioner app. When created through the mobile app, parent accounts will remain unactivated until parents sign in and purchase a subscription. 

> Learn how to create new accounts for clients


Linking to clients already on OurFamilyWizard

If your client already has an OurFamilyWizard account, you can send them a request for professional access that will be delivered directly to their account. 

> Learn how to link to clients


Responding to access requests

Clients are able to send professional access requests to their family law practitioners as well. Practitioners have multiple response options when they receive these requests. 

> Learn about responding to access requests from clients 


Removing past clients

Once you no longer require access to a client's activity on OurFamilyWizard, ending that access can keep your account streamlined. To remove access to an account,

  1. In My Cases, select the family.
  2. Under Actions, tap Remove

Once removed, you will no longer see the family in your My Cases through the iOS app. However, you can access records of past access through the OurFamilyWizard website.