Using the Right Online Coparenting Tools

Coparenting can be a rewarding but sometimes difficult task for many reasons. A lot of what makes coparenting difficult is simply working with the other parent to keep track of details and make parenting decisions together. There is so much information that must be shared, creating quite a mess to keep it all in order. Shared parenting schedules, expenses, doctor's phone numbers, kids clothing sizes, allergies, and school schedules are only some of the things that coparents must keep track of across separate homes. When you're noting all of these things in so many different places, the risk of becoming disorganized becomes greater. Therefore, it can become difficult for you to find the information you need the moment that you need it.

Unlike years past when all of these details had to be shared on separate calendars and shared notebooks going between homes, the internet has made it much easier to maintain and share all kinds of information. Even more, online coparenting tools are specially designed to give parents a secure, organized platform through with they can record and share family information online. The right online coparenting tools, particularly those found on the OurFamilyWizard website, can be helpful to any family that needs to share information across multiple homes. Here are just some of the ways in which these tools can be helpful:

  • Your information is available wherever and whenever you need it. Smartphones and tablets allow us to take the web with us wherever we go. The right online coparenting tools will allow you to easily access your important family information fast. The mobile app for the OurFamilyWizard website makes it especially easy to access your coparenting tools when you're away from your computer. Push notifications from the mobile app alert you when something new is posted, so you can easily attend to new correspondence without having to wait to get home. Plus, the tools available to you online are right on your phone. For instance, if you need to post a reimbursement request, you are able to do so before you even leave the store. The expense log in the OurFamilyWizard mobile app lets you enter the details of the expense plus an image of the receipt. The app calculates how much you will be owed, and once submitted, the request will be immediately available for your co-parent to view.
  • Information is shareable with just one click.  Online communication is fast and convenient, especially for coparents living across two homes. With the OurFamilyWizard website, parent accounts are directly connected. When one parent sends something, it is immediately available to the other parent from their account. This means there is no need to recall email address and no worrying if something was sent to the wrong place. 
  • Your private information is secure. Sharing information is important, but sometimes, there is information related to coparenting that you'd rather keep private just for yourself. This might be notes about late pick ups or drop offs, files, etc. The OurFamilyWizard website takes this into account by offering different privacy options on entries like journals, uploaded files, and vital details. This allows parents to keep all of their coparenting information–shared or private–in one convenient place. 
  • Shield the kids from divorce conflicts. Kids do not need to see or hear any arguments or divorce conflicts, and it is up to parents to make sure that their kids are kept far from it. Online tools that are specifically geared to help coparents communicate take this issue seriously and do what they can to help parents from allowing those types of instances to take place. OurFamilyWizard applications are only accessible with the right login credentials and automatically log you out after a period of inactivity. Also, OurFamilyWizard notifications sent to your phone only tell you what kind of information was posted without displaying the content of the correspondence. This helps prevent anyone, including your kids, from accidentally seeing something you wish they did not. 
  • Your information is documented and organized. Having the right documentation can come to be quite important, particularly if you are in the middle of a custody dispute. Tracking exactly what was said on the phone can be hard, and text messages can easily be deleted. When you use the right online coparenting tools to communicate, everything is accurately documented, timestamped, and often unchangeable. For example, the OurFamilyWizard website captures messages going between coparents, marks the date and time that a message was sent and first viewed, and keeps the message stored indefinitely. Beyond just messaging, all other actions taken by parents on the website are also documented with time stamps and system messages that further demonstrate what was posted, by whom, and when. 
  • Clear reports ready when you need them. Sometimes, you'll have to compile records of communication with your coparent to share with a lawyer, or you might simply want to print out a copy of your coparenting calendar for your refrigerator. The right online coparenting tools offer easy-to-use reporting tools that generate clear, concise details of the information you need now. The OurFamilyWizard website provides the option to save to PDF or print every entry. Reports generated from the website are always easy to read and precise. 
  • Easily share your information with your lawyer. Lawyers often request information from clients, but it's not always easy to share things like text messages or phone conversations since they are harder to track or document in a report. Professional access on the OurFamilyWizard website provides a simple solution when it comes to sharing information with a lawyer or other family law professionals. Accounts specifically for family law professionals provide overseeing access to parent accounts and their information. This type of access gives lawyers the ability to view coparent communication without having to wait to receive it from their client. Professional access also works well for family law professionals that are helping to mediate communication between parents. They can view and participate in the correspondence as it takes place, allowing professionals to work directly with clients even if they are far away form each other. 

There are several online tools that coparents can use to help manage all of their family information, and it's important that they choose the right tools to fit their needs. The coparenting tools offered by the OurFamilyWizard website can help any family to better document, maintain and organize information all in one place. The benefit of these tools has been recognized by many, both in and out of the family law courtroom. OurFamilyWizard's tools have been court ordered in nearly all 50 states and abroad, and other families choose to use these tools on their own. If you find yourself in need of a solution to ease communication and information sharing, why not sign up for the OurFamilyWizard website today and start benefitting from these tools now! 


NOTE: Many state and federal laws use terms like ‘custody’ when referring to arrangements regarding parenting time and decision-making for a child. While this has been the case for many years, these are not the only terms currently used to refer to these topics.

Today, many family law practitioners and even laws within certain states use terms such as ‘parenting arrangements’ or ‘parenting responsibility,’ among others, when referring to matters surrounding legal and physical child custody. You will find these terms as well as custody used on the OurFamilyWizard website.